We’re One of the Top Process Servers on Twitter!

process server on twitterWe’re officially ranked #3 on the Top Process Servers on Twitter in 2014 list put out by ServeNow! If you’re not following us yet, make sure you do so you don’t miss out on the latest process service information, news and tips!

Looking at the other names on the list, it’s exciting to see the amount of process servers who have become more active in social media over the past few years. Even some of the state associations have created twitter accounts, helping to share details about the process service industry.

Considering the very small niche of process service, it’s important for everyone across the country and even internationally to stay up-to-date and in touch with each other about the latest developments. What happens in one state can certainly wind up affecting others down the line.

Congratulations to all the other process servers on the list! Haven’t had a chance to see the full list yet? You can check it out here.

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