That’s us! We made it to #3 on ServeNow’s list of Top Process Servers on Twitter.
While we’re SO happy to have been ranked #3, we’re also excited to see the participation levels of those who made the list. Process service as an industry has been a little slower than others in getting on the social media wagon. To see people across the country interacting and sharing information, opinions and news is amazing.
In a digital age this is one of the best ways to share relevant, current information and this applies to process service in the same way it does to any industry. Whether in New Jersey, California, or Florida, all process servers can benefit from a community.
If you’re not on Twitter I’d recommend getting on there. Feel free to sit back and read what’s going on and then jump in with your thoughts. While the power of Twitter may not be immediately recognized, you’ll quickly realize the value of being able to follow and connect with individuals who discuss topics that are of interest to you and your business.
Outside of Twitter there are other social networks to take advantage of as well. Check out a post we did a while back on process server groups and forums to see what else is out there.
Congratulations to everyone who made the list! Keep up the great tweets.