NYSPPSA Convention Recap

NYSPPSALogoThe New York State Professional Process Servers Association (NYSPPSA) had their 11th annual convention October 23-October 25th at the Hilton Long Island.

Gary Crowe, Lance Randall and Bob Musser from NAPPS all attended the NYSPSSA meeting.

Speakers and topics included:

Lance Randall and Gary CroweElectronic Service of Process (ESOP)

Lance and Gary covered the recent OASIS proposal which has the potential to impact the process service industry. They also discussed NAPPS position in their response paper. NAPPS will not be attempting to fight against e-service, but will rather take the approach of the need for a “trusted third party” to ensure service is completed appropriately. As technology moves forward, e-service is the next logical step and working toward making sure process servers have a place in this new form of service is essential.

Renshi Michael Blumenthal (Millennium Martial Arts)Self Defense Demonstration

Michael gave an extensive self-defense presentation, showing a few key techniques process servers can easily memorize and put to use in a potentially dangerous situation. Michael also showed ways to fend off attacks where the assailant has a weapon of opportunity, such as a rake or bat. At the end of the demonstration he explained, along with an assistant and demonstration, how defending an attack from someone with a gun is very difficult – your best bet is always to diffuse the situation or get as much distance as possible versus trying to take the gun away from the individual.

Bob MusserSecure Document Trading Service

Bob covered NAPPS release of the Secure Document Trading Platform, designed to help process servers stay compliant with the need for secure exchange of documents with clients. This platform was first released to NAPPS members and is now being made available to NYSPPSA members. For more information on this platform, please contact Bob Musser at bobm@dbsinfo.com.

Saturday’s meeting concluded with a general NYSPPSA meeting, proposed by-law amendments and the election of officers.

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