The New Jersey Professional Process Servers Association will be holding an emergency meeting tonight in order to address proposed Rule 1:32-2A (“Electronic Court Systems, Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures”). The proposed new rule would:
(a) authorize the Administrative Director of the Courts, with the approval of the Chief Justice, to develop and implement electronic court systems for the purpose of performing required judiciary functions, such as electronic filing or electronic record keeping
(b) provide that data and documents maintained in an approved electronic court system shall have the same force and effect as if in original paper format
(c) provide for the use of electronic signatures in an approved electronic court system.
With comments to be placed by May 1st and the NAPPS convention quickly approaching as a forum in which to discuss this proposed Rule, NJPPSA will be meeting to develop a plan to submit comments regarding access by process servers.  As part of this plan, it will be proposed process servers gain access to e-filing for providing proofs of service, including allowing e-signatures.
E-filing is already being implemented in other areas, including Philadelphia. In hearing from process servers it seems as though the courts have understood how process servers can benefit from access to the e-filing system.
Stay tuned for updates on NJPPSA’s plan of action as well as a deeper review of how e-filing will affect not only process service with New Jersey, but also messenger service.