National Due Process Day – September 25th

National Due Process Day – September 25th, 2015

National Due Process Day - September 25thWhat is National Due Process Day?

The purpose of this day is to recognize the role process servers play in the justice system by protecting an individual’s right to due process.

Aren’t process servers always bearers of bad news? Shouldn’t I be running away?

Process servers often do bring news of foreclosure, divorce proceedings and lawsuits. While not the best of news, by doing so they are protecting your right to due process and a fair trial.

Running away won’t stop the case from moving forward. If a process server can’t serve you or a member of your household, the court will issue approval for alternate service methods such as mail and publication in a local newspaper to be used in place. Once those are completed the case will still move forward.

The difference is you’re physically receiving the documents relating to a case you are somehow involved in. Knowing what is happening allows you to defend yourself and decide what steps to take, rather than taking no action and finding the case has been resolved without your participation, resulting in a judgment against you or even foreclosure.

As process servers, we want to make sure you know what is going on so you have the right to be involved and treated in fairness in accordance with your court rules and your due process rights.

Why September 25th?

The 5th amendment was introduced on September 25th. Along with the 14th amendment, the 5th helps to protect due process rights of all Americans and preserve the right to a fair trial.


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