International Service of Process in Greece

International process service in Greece can be completed using various methods. Choosing the right one depends on your specific matter and potential case outcomes. 

DGR has experience serving in countries worldwide and can help guide you to the best method for your matter.

Hague Service Convention: Greece

International service of process in Greece can be completed through the formal method using the Hague Service Convention.

Greece ratified the Hague Service Convention in 1985, which allowed for a more streamlined process between the central authorities of the US and Greece.

It’s still critical to follow all requirements to ensure that any resulting judgments are enforceable and that service is completed in accordance with the country’s rules and accepted articles under the Hague Service Convention. 

To pursue the process of service in Greece through the Hague Service Convention, the plaintiff is responsible for filling out a Hague Service Request, ensuring that an attorney at law or clerk of court signs it. This form is then submitted to the Central Authority in Greece, which will then instruct a judicial officer to serve the documents.

Timelines for International Process Service in Greece

Under the Hague Service Convention, there is an extensive process that service goes through. This can mean wait times of four to six months for service to be completed. During this time, the Central Authority does not provide updates as to the status of service. 

Once the service has been attempted, you will receive a confirmation of either effectuated or ineffectuated service. If you did not complete your request correctly or include the necessary documents or completed forms, the Central Authority will send your request back to you. 

Translation of Documents

All documents that go through the formal method of process service must be translated into Greek. 

Without translation into Greek, the Central Authority will reject any service or process. It’s critical to ensure that any translations that accompany the original documents have an Apostille for any international service in Greece. 

Alternate Methods of Service

Under article 10 of the Hague Service Convention, Greece objects to all alternate methods of service, including service by mail. 

Informal Service of Process in Greece

Service via agent is an option in Greece. However, its use in case outcomes is incredibly limited. Whether or not this is a possibility for your matter will depend on a variety of factors. Contact us for more information on selecting the appropriate method for your case.

Serving Legal Documents in Greece

International service of process is complex. DGR has experience effectuating service in over 100 countries, including Greece. Our worldwide network and extensive experience ensure the most efficient service possible for our clients that will hold up in court.

The staff of DGR Legal aren’t lawyers, nor is our organization a law firm. The information provided on this website doesn’t and isn’t intended to constitute legal advice. Rather, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

International process service in Sweden

Contact Us

For a time-sensitive service request, please call us at 973-403-1700.

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