Dog Attack Advice for Process Servers

In a follow up to the previous blog post, we wanted to share the feedback on our employees gave in response. A retired police officer who had over 25 years on the force, this server had some valuable insight on handling dog attacks and situations:

“Saw the mention about the Rottie and warning sign. I was a breeder a few years back of Rottweilers and became aware of this interesting bit about dog warning signs. A notice of a “Vicious Dog”, “Attack Dog”, or just plain old “Beware of Dog” sign use to serve as a warning, or if you will, a form of legal notice used to help minimize liability for property owners. Not anymore – it was brought to my attention that now-a-days it serves to increase the liability as you, the owner of the “nasty” animal, is/was aware of the potential hazard. Long before I stopped owning Rotties, I took down my “Beware of Dog” signs. Not exactly news you need to know as Cujo is about to leap upon you, but if you survive and there was a sign, you get paid bigger.

 Turning and running may have worked out this time, but your back and flight is the best way to trigger attacks.  A server may want to carry “over-the-counter” pepper mace with you (IN HAND) when entering areas that warn of potential dog issues. It does not always work though – I have seen law enforcement grade mace sprayed directly into dogs’ eyes from six inches away and it had no effect. One could also try the bear pepper spray dispensers. I have seen these on TV stop and turn bears in full charge. Or perhaps you may opt to try one of those foghorn type noise makers – it may confuse the dog long enough to get you safe. Sometimes you win the foot race with Fido and sometimes you lose, but go in prepared and increase your chances of going home in one piece. Also, if your spider senses are tingling don’t lock your car doors and you won’t have to fumble for keys. “

A few other of our servers also mentioned that they don’t lock their car doors just in case these types of situations arise. Do you lock your doors or leave them unlocked when going about a service?  Let us know and fill us in on any more dog defense tips you might have!

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