Celebrating Debbie Colasurdo & 30 Years with DGR


This January, we’re celebrating Debbie Colasurdo’s 30 years with DGR!

Debbie was working as an x-ray tech after recently graduating nursing school when her husband Jerry asked her to come work for him and handle the accounting at his process service company, DGR. The biggest leap of faith in the job transition? Not getting paid to start! With DGR just beginning, the two jumped all-in and committed to making DGR the best it could be.

30 years later DGR has grown into a 90 person company and a big part of that is owed to Debbie’s diligence in a wide number of areas, including assessing potential opportunities, making sure the accounting books are taken care of and handling all areas of human resource issues

Debbie has worked tirelessly over the years to build DGR, bringing her two girls into the office while she worked. Dara and Dianna have learned from an early age about the process service business and remember plenty of nights in the backseat driving around while Jerry and Debbie served. That in itself reflects a lot of what DGR has been about since the start – family. No matter what they were doing, they were doing it together and having fun while they were doing it.

That attitude has carried over into the DGR culture, where many employees consider themselves a part of the “DGR family”.

Debbie has committed to making DGR a pleasant place for all of the staff to come. She has always said that she wants DGR to be the kind of place where she would want to come to work to every day as an employee and she’s certainly succeeded. Many of the staff have been here for 10, 15 or 20 years and there’s a reason why.

Without her, things at the office would be very different for sure. Thank you Debbie for all you’ve done for DGR!

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