Hurricane Sandy Impacts Foreclosures & Services in NJ

Process Server Blogs You Should Be Reading

We know we’re not the only blog in town and we wanted to share with you these other blogs that focus on process service. For our industry to maintain the ground we have gained so far as well as to expand, it’s important that we are all as involved as possible. Knowing...
Hurricane Sandy Impacts Foreclosures & Services in NJ

Supporting the Samaritan Inn

A couple weeks ago DGR went out to support one of our charities, the Samaritan Inn, at their annual Grape Expectations event.  We always like being able to be a part of the organization, as we see the passion and dedication of the people who run this amazing program. ...
Hurricane Sandy Impacts Foreclosures & Services in NJ

NJPPSA Self-Defense Seminar

NJPPSA hosted a Process Server Defense Seminar on September 13th where a 3rd degree black belt, Dan Hiltwine, came in to speak.  This interactive seminar not only included a great meal but also tons of self-defense tips and even some board breaking! Here’s what we...
Hurricane Sandy Impacts Foreclosures & Services in NJ

Happy National Due Process Day!

Today is National Due Process Day, organized by NAPPS as a public awareness campaign to help others better understand due process rights and the role process servers play in that system. We’ve previously blogged about how process servers help to preserve individuals’...
Hurricane Sandy Impacts Foreclosures & Services in NJ

4 Tips for Handling Dangerous Serves

Our previous post about a potentially dangerous serve  got us wondering about how other process servers handle this type of situation. We posted this question in the Serve Now forum on LinkedIn (join if you haven’t already – there’s some good...


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