UIDDA: Not So Uniform After All?

UIDDA: Not So Uniform After All?

Involved in an interstate or multi-state legal proceeding? You’ll likely need to effectuate service in another state.  Prior to 2007, enforcing a legal document (like a subpoena) outside its state of origin was a complex endeavor that was similar to the process...
Domesticating Out-of-State Subpoenas

Domesticating Out-of-State Subpoenas

When you need to get information or a deposition out of state, you’re limited by the power of your state court’s jurisdiction. In order to make the subpoena enforceable you’ll need to domesticate it in the other state, which can be tricky when you start involving two...
How To Serve A Subpoena Through The UIDDA

How To Serve A Subpoena Through The UIDDA

Prior to the introduction of the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA) in 2007, deposing individuals or conducting discovery outside of the state a case originated in was daunting task. Since it’s passing, there now exists a streamlined way to make...


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