Process Server Assault Bill Reintroduced in NY Senate and Assembly
A bill making assault on a process server felony was successfully reintroduced in both the Senate and Assembly. Assembly Bill 1250 and Senate Bill 1250 would make assault of a process server a class D felony, whether it is the international causing of physical injury...
VA Supreme Court Rules No Duty To Warn Process Servers
In a recent suit brought by the family of a process server who was killed while attempting service, the Virginia Supreme Court has stated that attorneys have no legal obligation to warn process servers of a potentially dangerous service. The family of the process...
Attorney Being Sued Over Failure to Warn Process Server
An appeal was just granted in the case of an attorney being sued by the wife of a private investigator who was killed while attempting to serve an individual. The basis of the case revolves around whether or not the attorney had a duty to warn the process server of...
New York Process Server Assault Bill Passes Senate, On Hold
The New York State Professional Process Servers Association (NYSPPSA) has sent out an update in reference to Senate Bill S2599/Assembly Bill A3091-13. The New York legislative website lists the bill as passing the Senate on June 11th and then being delivered the...